A Room With Every View


Acrylic on linen, 1520 x 1220 x 40mm


Image by Kelcy Taratoa. All rights reserved

Private Collection


First exhibited 2016, in ‘The Panoptic Tower’ — Pataka Museum + Art, Porirua City Centre, Porirua, Aotearoa New Zealand. ‘A Room With Every View’ is part of a series of paintings asking questions about ‘The War on Terror’ and the development of, and use of highly advanced technologies by the West, such as high-tech surveillance capabilities. Ironically these technologies create a new level of terror due to the sophistication, imperceptibly and efficiency these technologies demonstrate in eliminating human threats to Western interests. Specifically drone technologies have a kill-chain programme that enables drone pilots to Find, Fix, Track, Target, Engage and Assess (F2T2EA) — ultimately enabling ‘targeted and signature killings’, completely removing judicial process. And this is all done at distance, and at a height undetectable to the human eye. This strike capability has established a new form of terror. However, such activities are conducted in countries far from how everyday life is experienced by Western civilians, creating an unsettling disconnect.


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